Why should I study computer science?

What is Computer Science?

A degree in computer science involves the studying systematic methodical processes – like algorithms in order to help with the access to information, as well as its acquisition, representation, processing, storage, and communication thereof.

Three reasons to study Computer Science:

  1. Computer Scientists are needed in the digital age: since we are living in the digital age, computers and an understanding of programming are required everywhere. Computer scientists design, develop and apply the software and hardware for the programmes you encounter in everyday life.
  2. Global opportunities: because the large majority of people around the globe possesses a computer and actively uses it, there are lots of opportunities for studying abroad. A year abroad will provide students with a deeper understanding of how computers are used around the world, allowing to experience other cultures and gain foreign language skills while being abroad.
  3. Good job opportunities: every industry uses computers, so naturally as a computer scientist, you can work in any. Questions related to science, engineering, health care and many other areas are answered with the support of computers. Make it your job to figure out how to design software to resolve any underlying problems! 

How to study Computer Science?

Courses in computer science involve core subjects, such as the theory of computation, basic programming and the principles of computer hardware – plus more. Having a good grasp in mathematics will prove to also be beneficial for computer scientists.

Specialist computer science modules are numerous and ever-expanding in range, from artificial intelligence to web development to ethical hacking, and even web science. Choosing to study computer science is a savvy choice in an increasingly technology-driven world and it could lead to working on the front line of the world’s greatest innovations.

Some courses may include an optional year spent working within the industry, which is invaluable in developing key skills and building contacts. It is also recommended that students maintain a portfolio of personal projects, for example, proof of having built a website or online moderation. This can be work done as a favour or for free, but it shows the initiative and passion that is required to be successful in the computational industry.

What kind of jobs can I get by studying Computer Science?

Most computer scientists focus in a specific industry and go on to pursure careers in their focus. Some common industries include: artificial intelligence, operating systems, computer programming and software, web development, robotics and even web science.

How can U-Multirank help me find the best Computer Science study programme for me?

If you’re considering pursuing a degree in computer science, then let us help you find the best university for you. U-Multirank’s ‘For students track offers personalised university comparisons, so you can find the university that best matches you. U-Multirank’s subject rankings provide the feedback of more than 100,000 current students studying at the respective universities, offering a unique student perspective to the rankings via our Teaching & Learning dimension. Create your own personalised rankings today, and compare universities according to what matters most to you.  To start, make sure to select computer science as your subject of interest and we’ll help guide you through the rest.

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