Why should I study electrical engineering?


What is Electrical Engineering?

Electrical engineering deals with the study and application of physics and mathematics combined with elements of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism to both large and small scale systems to process information and transmit energy. It covers a wide range of sub-fields including electronics, digital computers, power engineering, telecommunications, control systems, RF engineering, and signal processing.

Three reasons to study Electrical Engineering:

  1. Always in demand: the technology sector grew rapidly in the last decades and so did the demand for those who create, understand and develop electrical control systems, which means good job opportunities for you after graduation.
  2. High salaries: as an electrical engineer, you will begin your career higher on the salary ladder than e.g. teachers or social science graduates.
  3. Future technologies: electrical engineering is at the forefront of developing new technologies for a number of industries including those of transport, healthcare, construction and robotics.

How to study Electrical Engineering?

Courses in electrical engineering will teach students how the industry works, equipping them with the engineering skills necessary to design, assess and improve electrical systems.

After learning the foundations, students can specialise in their chosen area of interest (examples include power generation and supply, communications and media, and robotic systems). The courses comprise laboratory work, tutorials, lectures, project work in groups and as individuals.

It is often recommended that students graduating with a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering go on to work before moving on to a master’s study. By doing so, bachelor degree holders obtain real-world practical experience. This can also be done during undergraduate studies via internships, or dual-study programmes.

What kind of jobs can I get by studying Electrical Engineering?

Graduates with a degree in electrical engineering go on to pursue careers in energy, construction, manufacturing, transport, telecommunications, engineering and computing. Dependent on the stage of your career, or project phase, electrical engineers can work in various locations, whether that be in laboratories, offices, and building sites.

How can U-Multirank help me find the best Electrical Engineering study programme for me?

If you’re considering pursuing a degree in electrical engineering, then let us help you find the best university for you. U-Multirank’s ‘For students track offers personalised university comparisons, so you can find the university that best matches you. U-Multirank’s subject rankings provide the feedback of more than 100,000 current students studying at the respective universities, offering a unique student perspective to the rankings via our Teaching & Learning dimension. Create your own personalised rankings today, and compare universities according to what matters most to you.  To start, make sure to select electrical engineering as your subject of interest and we’ll help guide you through the rest.

How to find my best matching university

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