Why should I study psychology?

What is Psychology?

Psychology is the study of people and their minds. It is most commonly the study of discipline, an applied science which seeks to understand individuals and groups - their behavior, thoughts, actions, interactions and reactions.

Three reasons to study Psychology:

  1. Develop subject-specific knowledge: by studying psychology and gaining subject-specific knowledge, you will receive an insider perspective of the mind, brain and human behaviour. You will learn about a wide range of topics that all help you develop a detailed understanding of human behaviour.
  2. Understand yourself: having an understanding of the own personality and an insight into the own behaviour can offer a unique perspective to a workplace, project or role. Using the knowledge gained throughout your studies to recognise and acknowledge the underlying reasons and theories of these traits can allow you to work more successfully in different environments.
  3. Understand others better: should you consider a career in people management and human resources, skills like conflict management, collaboration and leadership are required. These skills are also very desirable to employers and managers, and an employee capable of managing a team effectively while also fostering better workplace relationships is often valued highly.

How to study Psychology?

Psychology degrees are either a Bachelor of Science or a Bachelor of Arts. The first year of an undergraduate degree covers the core elements: exploring mental health, childhood and development, plus the required scientific fundamentals. Specialisation occurs in the following years, covering topics like cognitive processes, neuroscience and the psychology of certain groups, such as trauma victims, the elderly and criminals. The final year requires students to choose their own field of study, carry out original research, collect data and summarise their findings.

Most psychology degrees last three to four years and some make a relevant work placement a requirement to pass the course. Placements could be in a range of establishments, for example in hospitals, prisons and rehabilitation centres. This is an important part of a course, so if a university doesn’t offer placement as an option, it is worth pursuing work experience in the university breaks or part-time.

The study of psychology is achieved through a variety of methods; practical sessions, lectures in the relevant theories and the learning of professional software programmes. Assessment is just as diverse in practice, from timed examinations to essays to lab reports to final project dissertations.

What kind of jobs can I get by studying Psychology?

Graduates with a degree in Psychology have a wide array of career possibilities before them. While becoming a psychologist is the default career path, many graduates go on to pursue careers in research, education, health care and therapy, and psychotherapy.

How can U-Multirank help me find the best Psychology study programme for me?

If you’re considering pursuing a degree in psychology, then let us help you find the best university for you. U-Multirank’s ‘For students track offers personalised university comparisons, so you can find the university that best matches you. U-Multirank’s subject rankings provide the feedback of more than 100,000 current students studying at the respective universities, offering a unique student perspective to the rankings via our Teaching & Learning dimension. Create your own personalised rankings today, and compare universities according to what matters most to you.  To start, make sure to select psychology as your subject of interest and we’ll help guide you through the rest.

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