University Ranking by Subject

U-Multirank world university rankings can’t help you pick what to study – only you can decide that – but it can help you compare different subjects at different universities, the same subject at different universities, or even different subjects at the same university.

In the online tool, you’ll be asked to select a subject you want to study. So far, we’ve collected data about 30 different subject areas and we’re adding more each year. That allows you to compare universities on the basis of rankings in that subject area rather than looking at the whole institution. That’s important, because all universities have their strengths and weaknesses and the variation between different subjects can be huge. You can also choose to compare universities that specialise in just one subject or a small selection, those with a broader range, or those that cover a comprehensive set of subjects. This makes a difference because specialist institutions tend to be smaller and will often have a particular reputation for their subject area. In comprehensive universities on the other hand, there may be a wider mix of students and greater opportunities for study that spans across disciplines.

You can view the detailed results of U-Multirank World University Ranking 2021-2022 by Subject from the links below:

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